Uniform accessories for Police and Security
For 61 years we have been developers, trailblazers and the largest retail chain specializing in uniform and accessories for the Royal Malaysian Police (Polis Diraja Malaysia), APAM (Angkatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia), Malaysian Army (Tentera Darat Malaysia) and RELA (Jabatan Sukarelawan Malaysia). We have sculpted the definition of premium and quality in each and every product that we make because each product is made with sincerity and pure commitment.
We are the only uniform retailer that has received the Official Certification from the Royal Malaysian Police, Malaysian Civil Defense Department and also the Malaysian Prison Department (Jabatan Penjara Malaysia) to supply uniforms and accessories. We follow every specification from each department that has been adhered to us. Our company has received the certificate of Merit from SOBA 2020 (Star Outstanding Business Awards). This certification demonstrates our commitment to superior professionalism, upholding industry standards, and continued learning.
We have 21 Outlets located all over Malaysia that is able to serve our customers. Our own production facility is located in Cheras which is from where we distribute our retails all throughout the country. Every product is made out of hand embroidery and machine embroidery with closed stitching that provides greater stitch density and higher quality stitching. It is also to provide maximum comfort for our customers in years of use.
Our continuous thirst for knowledge is the key element to grow a striving business in the retailing industry. We also focus on our credibility in order to serve the customers and clients better every day. Each and every uniform that we make is a touch of brilliance by an experienced tailor/modiste. We act as a catalyst into bringing premium uniforms to an affordable price for the people. It’s not just about the designs. It’s all about the people who wear them and should never feel any less. That’s what matters to us.
We invite you to experience our values and passion through our products and services. Every stitch in a uniform reminds us of the support and encouragement that has been given to us for the past 61 years. With us, you can never deny comfort, quality and perfection.
For more information find us at:
Website: https://www.outpostcommand.com.my/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/outpostcommand

Officially Certified Supplier Of:

St. John Ambulance

Malaysia School Youth
Cadet Corps

Malaysia Civil
Defence Force

Malaysian Red

Royal Malaysia